How to setup filezilla server with google cloud platform
How to setup filezilla server with google cloud platform

how to setup filezilla server with google cloud platform

Second source filter: None (or the one you need).Source IP ranges: (or the one you need).Action on match: Allow Target tags: Leave empty (or select the one you need).Network: default (or the one you need).Name: default-allow-ftp (does not matter).Settings below allows FTP clients to work via Passive mode. Also I did not use TLS as I do not need it. In your case except port 21 you need to add additional ports, for example 50000-50500 to Google Cloud Firewall (to add to the same rule where port 21 specified), then in Windows Firewall (to add to the same rule where port 21 specified) and add 50000-50500 to FileZilla Settings at the page Passive mode settingsīelow is full instruction (in case if anyone need) based on Sever 2008, because I do not use Server 2016 (everything should be very similar). You do not need to configure outbound rules in Google Cloud.

How to setup filezilla server with google cloud platform